
My research topics include topological quantum field theories, modular tensor categories and symmetric fusion categories in positive characteristic. 

Publications and preprints:

8. [arXiv] On extended Frobenius Structures. Joint with Jacob Kesten, Abiel Quinonez and Chelsea Walton. 

Submitted  (2024).

7. [arXiv] Diagramatics for cyclic pointed fusion categories. 

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 228, no. 12, 107752 (2024).

6. [arXiv] On Frobenius-Schur exponent bounds. Joint with Julia Plavnik and Andrew Schopieray

Submitted (2024).

5.[arXiv] On modular categories with FP dimension congruent to 2 mod 4. Joint with Akshaya Chakravarthy and Julia Plavnik. 

Proceedings of the AMS, to appear (2024).

4. [arXiv] Unoriented 2-dimensional TQFTs and the category Rep(St≀ℤ_2). 

Quantum topology, to appear (2024).

3. [arXiv] Classification of low-rank odd-dimensional modular categories. Joint with  William Gvozdjak and Julia Plavnik.  

Journal of Algebra, 655, 223--293 (2024).

2. [arXiv] Remarks on symmetric fusion categories of low rank in positive characteristic

Algebra & Number Theory 16, no 8 (2022).