My research topics include topological quantum field theories, modular tensor categories and symmetric fusion categories in positive characteristic.
My research topics include topological quantum field theories, modular tensor categories and symmetric fusion categories in positive characteristic.
Publications and preprints:
Publications and preprints:
8. [arXiv] On extended Frobenius Structures. Joint with Jacob Kesten, Abiel Quinonez and Chelsea Walton.
8. [arXiv] On extended Frobenius Structures. Joint with Jacob Kesten, Abiel Quinonez and Chelsea Walton.
Submitted (2024).
Submitted (2024).
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 228, no. 12, 107752 (2024).
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 228, no. 12, 107752 (2024).
Submitted (2024).
Submitted (2024).
5.[arXiv] On modular categories with FP dimension congruent to 2 mod 4. Joint with Akshaya Chakravarthy and Julia Plavnik.
5.[arXiv] On modular categories with FP dimension congruent to 2 mod 4. Joint with Akshaya Chakravarthy and Julia Plavnik.
Proceedings of the AMS, to appear (2024).
Proceedings of the AMS, to appear (2024).
Quantum topology, to appear (2024).
Quantum topology, to appear (2024).
3. [arXiv] Classification of low-rank odd-dimensional modular categories. Joint with William Gvozdjak and Julia Plavnik.
3. [arXiv] Classification of low-rank odd-dimensional modular categories. Joint with William Gvozdjak and Julia Plavnik.